
Find the Temp Folder in Vista and Windows 7

Vista and Windows 7 don't use the same location for temporary files as XP does. Here's an easy way to get the full path of the Temp folder. Click the Start orb, enter CMD, and press Enter. In the resulting Command Prompt enter the command ECHO %TEMP%. This displays the full path of the actual Temp folder. It will normally take the form C:\users\username\AppData\Local\Temp, where username is your user account name.

One way to view that folder is to use the CD (or CHDIR) command right in that Command Prompt, enclosing the full pathname in quotes if it contains any spaces.

If you want to view the folder in Windows Explorer you may run into one small problem; the AppData folder is marked as hidden. Supposing you can't see that folder, you'll need to do this. Press F10 for a menu in Windows Explorer and choose Tools | Folder Options. Click the View tab. Choose the option "Show hidden files and folders" ("Show hidden files, folders and drives" in Windows 7) and click OK. Now you can navigate all the way to the Temp folder

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