
Flash For EVONY 2021

Flash is now officially dead.  

with this way you can still use Flash.

if you have any problem while installing or working on this please feel free to contact me to help you

first we have to go to pale moon

Download and install PaleMoon

then lets go to adobe archive page

go to bottom of the page until you find the 

Flash Player archives

this site is little bit slower than others 

Download this version,after May it is not working

Unzip the archive and install the flash player for windows,

Goto control panel and find the flash adon there

Click on never check for updates 

then open your c drive  and search where adobe is get installed.

in here i am using windows 7 pc 

in windows 10 you have search in windows folder to get this

open adobe folder and look for flash player ,

go to adon and copy the things inside 

go to program files and find palemoon in there 

Go to Pale Moon\browser\extensions
paste  all to there

open palemoon and active flash 

i am playing evony and this is it


  1. Good job,,,
    will all flesh games work with this ?

    1. Yes..flash will work on pale-moon browser not in any other

  2. flash don't work for me although I did as you said

    1. flash will work on pale-moon browser not in any other..if you need a help please let me know


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